6 окт. 2023 г.

A Practical Guide for Time-Travelers

Outlander 7×7

Jamie Fraser: Brought ye a present, Sassenach.
Claire Fraser: Oh? What is it? Geese or ducks this time?
Jamie Fraser: No. It's a book.
Claire Fraser: A book?
Jamie Fraser: Aye. Words printed on paper. Ye'll recall the sort of thing.

Jamie Fraser: Sassenach. I hadna realized, but, uh, ye need spectacles.
Claire Fraser: That's nonsense. I can see perfectly well.
Jamie Fraser: Well, then read this.
Claire Fraser: How am I supposed to read that? It's terribly small type.
Jamie Fraser: It's 12-point Caslon. I will say, the... the leading's terrible. The gutters are half of what they should be. And even so, ye need spectacles, a nighean.
Claire Fraser: We'll be blind as bats before this war is over.

Brianna Mackenzie: Do you take a little water?
William 'Buck' MacKenzie: If it was the rotgut I drank in America, I'd throw it down. Whiskey worth drinking, a little water opens the flavor. But ye ken that, don't ye? Though ye're not Scottish.
Brianna Mackenzie: Well I am, on my father's side. His name is... was James Fraser, of Broch Tuarach.
William 'Buck' MacKenzie: Are you another, then? Like your husband and me. Another... whatever it is?

Brianna Mackenzie: What?
William 'Buck' MacKenzie: Smilin' a bit too much in yer direction, methinks.
Brianna Mackenzie: All right. That's how people treat each other these days. It's called kindness. You might give it a try.
William 'Buck' MacKenzie: I'm only sayin', I'm no fool.

Roger Mackenzie: I didn't know whether to tell you because I... I don't even know if it's correct. But I saw the year of your death. Do you want to know?
William 'Buck' MacKenzie: No. But I'd like ye to tell me anyway.

Jamie Fraser: Will ye kiss me, Claire?
Claire Fraser: Always.

Lt Sandy Hammond: Who do you think has a better bosom? Mrs. Lind or the baroness?
William Ransom: I'd prefer not to comment on such a vulgar topic... This is it, Hammond.
Lt Sandy Hammond: Oh, I see. Evading the question. You have an eye for someone. What's her name?
William Ransom: It is unlikely I will ever see her again.
Lt Sandy Hammond: It won't matter if you tell me her name, then, will it?
William Ransom: It's Rachel, but she's...

General Fraser: If General Burgoyne can convince us that we are victorious, then we have prevailed.
William Ransom: Lieutenant Hammond is dead.
General Fraser: An honorable death. And I lived to tell the tale. "They send forth men to battle, but no such men return," so says Aeschylus. You're a different man now...
William Ransom: "They send forth men to battle, but no such men return. / And home, to claim their welcome, come the ashes in an urn."

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